Friday, December 21, 2012

10 Weeks

Sorry for the crappy bathroom pic. Promise to update soon.

Baby Size: Prune, 1.25"

Knickname: Still Olive or Oliver depending on our mood. (Still no real strong feels whether it's a boy or girl.)

Baby Changes: Embryo has officially become a fetus! The placenta has now taken over and replaced the yolk sac. (I am continuing to take the progesterone until week 11 or 12, at which time I will slowly ween myself off. I may push for a blood draw to be sure my levels are where they should be on their own.)

Weight Gain: We don't own a scale, which I'm really enjoying right now, but probably regret come our 12 week check up.

Cravings: Still not really having any cravings.

Aversions: Nope. Still none.

Showing: The full panel maternity jeans aren't sliding down quite as much as they were, so I'm thinking the belly has expanded. Sure feels like it has.

Body Changes: My boobs seem to have grown over the last week or so. Still getting tingly nipples once in awhile. My skin has gotten really dry and itchy, including my scalp. Also got a nasty rash on Thursday all over my stomach and sides. Thankfully it seems to be going away. Mild nausea the last 2 mornings as well. Lots of flutters and pressure down there.

Worst Moment this Week: This was a rough one. Between the school shooting, and an old friend's death, I haven't been in the best of moods. It's been a very somber week. Along with the fact that I couldn't attend the wake or funeral. Not truly saying goodbye is difficult.

Best Moment this Week: Finally clearly heard the baby's heart beat on the doppler. Was able to find a good spot and listen to that nice strong beat for a good minute or so. Calms all my nerves.

Looking Forward To: Acupuncture. My sinuses have been throbbing and so painful the last few days. Hoping the acupuncture will help to settle things down. It's sure made a difference with the nausea. Only slightly coming back the last 2 mornings. Other than that, haven't had any issues with it.

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