Monday, October 29, 2012


I always find it amazing just how small our world really is. And how you can meet someone for the first time, and have similar friends. These things are my life's little pleasures. And one of the truly amazing things about blogging, is how many people reach out to you either with similar situations, or affects your story has had on them.

I have been truly blessed to have been in contact with several women struggling to conceive right along side of us. For a few of them, I've been able to share in their joy of conceiving. For a few of them, we've walked similar paths and have recently explored new routes. For a few of them, we've never met, yet talk daily through email, supporting and encouraging one another.

These are all the things that you don't see here. The private connections that take place behind the scenes. The continued interactions that have helped to keep me positive but realistic. The stories shared of their struggles to conceive, their losses, and recommendations. There's only a 50% chance of conceiving through IVF. And a 30-40% chance of twins when transferring 2 embryos. So what does that mean? I'm scared shitless. So thank you everyone for all the positive comments and hopes that are keeping us going!

For my two ladies currently pregnant: I can not wait to see you and your bumps! (Maybe they can rub some of their luck off on me.)

For my two ladies going through IVF for the first time: I'm here for you, whatever you need. It's such a long, edge of your seat process. Try to stay calm and relaxed. Much easier said than done, I know.

And for me, 9 more days until we are confirmed. Attempting to keep myself busy for 9 more days, and hinder any urges to take a home test. (Yeah, right.)

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