Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A good way to break your heart

In my darkest of moments, losing faith that we'll be able to conceive naturally, I've been researching adoption. A LOT. I've always had in the back of my mind the thought that one day I would adopt a child. I guess it started during my high school internship. I was working at an elementary/middle school assisting the art teacher (who happened to be my aunt). There were the most adorable two brothers, excellent students, infectious smiles and from a troubled home. My first thought was "If I was old enough, I would adopt them." From that day on, I've known I've wanted to adopt. It is by far the best thing you can do, open your home to a child in need. The past few years have been trying. I'm tired. I'm sad. I'm in need of answers. Answers that I don't think I'll ever get.
Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange
In my research, I've discover several things. Adoption is expensive! More expensive than IVF, sad to say. There are kids in need of homes, yet it costs less money to have science help you create one?! Seriously. That's just wrong. What isn't expensive is Foster Adopt. There's a network in Massachusetts called MARE (Mass. Adoption Resource Exchange, Inc.). They assist and list children who are legally free for adoption from the foster care system. Because foster care is run by the state, they cover the cost for in home studies, and most other fees associated with adoption. (Don't quote me on that, but what I've found seems to state so.) Adoption can cost anywhere from $30k to $50k for an infant domestic or international. Who can afford that? (IVF cost me $1k, and that's only because I live in MA and have a $1k deductible.) Foster Adopt may only cost you legal fees, so depending on your lawyer, it may only be their fees ($2k to $5k).

The thought that keeps nagging at my head is why don't people adopt? I can't answer this question. And if you can't either, take a look at the beautiful faces in need of homes in MA by clicking here. They will break your heart with their loving smiles and simple requests.
How can you not love that face?

Every child deserves a good and loving home. Don't you agree?

1 comment:

  1. omg hes so cute...glad your finding ways to stay positive! sometimes its good to look outside the box and see not only what else is out there, but what others are going through. it helps to see that we are all connected by our individual struggles. each of us is going through something, and even if it seems small to others, its our struggle, our world. just keep being the strong woman you are, and let God and your heart guide your journey! if your meant to adopt, you will know it when the time comes. much love as always :) guest blog coming soon i promise!
