Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Tomorrow is my appointment for sonahystogram. Apparently it is necessary for the insurance to see the results before they will approve a second round of IVF. I still kind of have my period, so I phoned their office to reschedule just in case. Thankfully they are letting me keep the appointment, but reserved a spot for Friday "just in case".

My family, both immediate and extend, has been wonderful. It never seizes to amaze me how much thought, concern and prayers are being said for us every day. I recently got a message from a family member that I found very interesting. They sent me information for a specialist months ago. I'm sad to say, I never looked into it. Assuming we made the best decision to attempt IVF, I disregarded the information. Until now. They so kindly sent me a follow up message the other day stating I should really look into the specialist. So I did.

I've been vegan for almost a year, and have been attempting a more natural approach to life in general. Why I hadn't looked into a more natural approach to fertility, is beyond me. So today, I sat down and researched NaProTechnology. A treatment that is faith based, in doing so, attempts to look at the underlying causes of infertility and a number of other issues. They began this approach more than 20 years ago and have had great success. (The family member who recommended it has not successfully had children of their own. They also informed me that the 6 other couples that they knew of who used it, only one has not had success yet.)

I must say that I am amazed once again. NaProTechnology looks at several concerns. Most being deficiencies in both partners. Instead of me trying to repeat what they so eloquently said, I have copied it below. (Yes, I cheated.)

Infertility is a symptom of underlying disease.  The diseases that cause infertility have a “two-pronged” effect.  They not only hinder the functioning of fertility, but they also cause both short and long-term health problems.  The persistent unwillingness to address infertility problems from this point of view or perspective is one of the major flaws in the current approach to the treatment of infertility.

Fertility problems also carry with them significant emotional sequelae.  This is fairly well recognized by those who work in this field and psychosocial distress  can contribute significantly to the cause of some forms of infertility.

Until 1978, most of the effort in medicine in evaluating and treating women with infertility was placed in trying to identify and treat the underlying causes.  In 1978, in vitro fertilization produced a paradigm shift.  It led to a “skipping over” the causes and this continues up to the present time to be the foundational management approach.  In essence, this is a symptomatic or Band-Aid approach to treatment, not one that gets to the root causes.  When the artificial reproductive technologies began to take hold, now over 25 years ago, diagnostic laparoscopy was in its infancy.  Hormone assessment, while available, was not readily accessible.  Ultrasound technology was still mired in sector scanning and real-time ultrasonography was not yet available.  Selective hysterosalpingography had not yet been developed and the fallopian tubes could not be catheterized.  The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System began its first Allied Health Education Program for FertilityCare™ Practitioners (FCP) in 1978.  This means of objectively monitoring the biomarkers of the menstrual and fertility cycle was only in its beginning stages.  With the availability of the CrMS, observations of mucus patterns during the course of the menstrual and fertility cycle could be observed for the very first time.  In fact, information obtained by women charting their cycles in this fashion is unique and can only be obtained in this fashion. 


I strongly urge anyone else going through any type of infertility treatments, concerns or are experiencing miscarriages, to take a look at their site and contact a physician near you who practices this approach. Anyone who has had success with this method, please share if you are comfortable discussing it. The more we talk about infertility, the more we can learn.


  1. Very interesting, thanks for sharing! Are you going to look into this too? Just curious. Take care! xoxoxo

  2. So our journey with NaPro started from just a basic desire to not use the birth control pill even though we were not intending to become pregnant. We didn't have much difficulty conceiving with Alicia, but what was great about using NaPro technology was that when we were trying to become pregnant the second time around, we immediately saw a problem.

    Fertility tracking using NaPro showed us that our fertility cycle lasted 1 day - not your normal fertility cycle at all. Way too small a window to achieve pregnancy. We were referred to a NaPro doctor who made a few changes to my diet and some dietary supplements. We achieved pregnancy relatively quickly, which is not always the case.

    What we have comed to learn about NaPro is that every situation is unique, but that each client our doctor sees is treated with their situation in mind and evaluated using their personal fertility information. Some people go in with difficulty with the female's fertility, others with difficulty with the male's fertility. What I do know is that almost all the couples I know of who have seen the doctor we have seen have had healthy pregnancies and babies.

    Celia, as I said on FB, I will be in touch and call sometime soon. If you have any friends who want to contact me, please send along my info. Looking forward to talking to you soon.
